Monday, June 06, 2005

Rational Hardcore

Sick of mind-numbing emotional appeals in hc/punk music? Tired of the mainstream appeals of so-called "emo" and related genres as of late? Do you like the original hardcore music and the original hardcore approach? Do you recognize the need for tight, clear rational thought in music as well as in society in general?

The socialistic nature of today's "punk rock"/"hardcore" (or is it "pop?" ... whatever you call that stuff) needs to be called out and eliminated. When one boils it all down with reality in mind, hardcore/punk is really about Anarchy (libertarian, capitalist, anti-state). As is the reality of society itself. Hardcore/punk has sometimes been said to be a clear expression of the human condition. This expression can be emotional or rational. The emotional should be treated as such, thoroughly digested without any immediate action. However, emotional hype in society tends toward misguided legislation (often socialist and statist, far from the right-anarchist ideal).

The complexities of hardcore/punk, politics, society, etc are too many to be discussed at once, but we will publish articles and link to sources that explain these things. An understanding of Rothbardian Anarchy and "Right-Libertarian" thought are essential for clear understanding of these things. Such a vantage point will put the media, government, etc in proper perspective. is here to serve these needs.

here are some good links for now... News/Opinions/Blog etc on mostly Right-Libertarian thought, dedicated to Murray Rothbard Ludwig von Mises Institute... Similar content to above link, but heavier reading. Check out the media section. Libertarian/Conservative record label. Home of The Yellow Day Brigade (Libertarian/Christian industrialized hardcore) and others.

More coming soon.