The Logical Implications of Real Hardcore Punk – misunderstood by the majority of the masses wearing its mark
- by Cecil Cameron
Why have I abandoned much of the current local/regional/national “scene” of “indie” and “punk” music? Simply because it is not what it claims to be, and does not aim for what it should be striving for. The masses’ lack of understanding of “punk” and “indie” have finally come to define the genre, approach, and movement, despite true hardcore punk’s role as (ideally) a voice of Reason in the face of alienation. After the original punk, often seen as fake and image-conscious, was bought out and sold with skinny ties by major record labels, the strongly DIY hardcore punk (later truncated to “hardcore”) was created as a purer version of punk that was so loud, fast, and noisy that no major would ever be interested in it. This is largely an attempt to retain autonomy (though the music certainly rocks).
In the year 2005, “hardcore” is the base of many major labels’ trendy marketing approaches, despite the shiny products marketed and sold under the name. This amounts to a sort of bait-and-switch at the level of the major label: the trendy “punk” kids have been told by those with “cred” that they should respect “hardcore”, so the majors use the name to appease the trendies, who don’t know the difference. Nevermind the fact that real “cred” is many separations away, if not nonexistent.
The real hardcore punks, particularly those who have followed its capitalist/libertarian/anarchist logical implications, are now alienated by those claiming indie/hardcore/punk “status”. This alienation has not been recognized because the signs of punk have been co-opted by the masses. The weakness of punk/DIY has been that anyone can do it, and when projected onto the masses, the Truth is alienated beyond the point of recognition. This is parallel to “democracy” as the tyranny of the many (wrong) over the few (right). The lone voice of truth is drowned out by those wearing its mark.
The “liberal” (socialist) media companies that love to dumb down the public to make room for leftist agendas have succeeded in doing just that by taking the bite out of “punk”, a phenomenon that has been largely confused and unrefined since its beginnings. Punk exists because there was confusion, and individuals rose up to show that they had a voice and could make their own media (DIY). However, the environment of confusion that often haunts the human condition affected the punk movement against the efforts of the best and brightest to use reason to show just why “everything sucks”. “Punk” continued on as it does today with a confused sense of self, but this confusion is now exacerbated by the mass-level integration of “punk” and its popular reactions to world events. Today, the popular mass “punk” movement is in bed with (extreme) leftism.
The very human condition is sometimes said to be most purely communicated in the hardcore experience. The rush and energy of the music gives a sense of mowing all the bullsh!t down and burning it behind, toward connection with a feeling of Truth. The major downfall in this appears to be that the effect is a feeling of Truth, not the thought of Truth.
Note that leftists often rely on feelings of mass democracy (this is inherently deceptive), whereas the libertarian/right uses rational thought as its prime tool. Truth, it turns out, entails capitalism and a yearning for Anarchy. The rational explanation of what is described here is provided by the body of thought expressed in this website’s accompanying articles and sponsored links. Essays, articles, and books can elaborate beyond the scope of songs and bumper stickers, while clearly laying the ground work for a more thoroughly explicit depiction of Truth. There will be no coercion; no use of aggressive, violent force. The only proper use of violence is defense of life and property. There will be a call for voluntary choices in the place of statist duress. I invite you to break from the socialist hive. Join me in this effort to clarify the path of the individual – the path of Truth.